Thank you for visiting my thoughts archive 😄
I’m Tung - an educator, learner, a dreamer who do, and to steal my boss’s phrase, a “sunset hunter”.
Content-wise, I write about alternative ways to look at: education, the creator economy, being a better human, organizational culture, and leadership.
Format-wise, I explain complex human thoughts and emotions with simple charts.
All in all, this is the place where I document my learning journey and share it with the world.
Fun fact: Akwaaba means Welcome in Fante - a language spoken in Ghana. I hope you feel welcomed here 💝
🔨 Things I’m building with my team:
📘 MỞ - Mơ và Hỏi: We provide online, community-driven learning experiences for Vietnamese high school students and undergraduates. More on our website.
✍️ Writing on The Net: I teach people a systematic way to approach writing and publishing on the Internet.
🏁 Things I’ve done that I’m proud of:
🎤 My TED talk at TEDxBUV:
Akwaaba Blog Tour: Fundraised to meet 600+ students, parents, and teachers in 11 cities across Vietnam.
My fundraising letter: https://bit.ly/Akwaaba-Journey-Fundraising
The tour snapshot: https://bit.ly/Akwaaba-Journey-Snapshot
Above all, I am proud of my journey with this blog. When I started blogging two years ago, I was simply finding a way to connect with more Vietnamese students who don’t have the privilege to live the kind of life that I had: high school in China, a liberal arts education in the U.S., and a semester traveling the world.
Little did I know that my blog will grow to reach 30,000+ followers, land me an opportunity to speak at a TEDx, and connect me with so many inspiring educators, entrepreneurs, and content creators who care deeply about the future of Vietnam. Blogging inspired me to start my education business and it has been the most fulfilling thing in my life thus far. Most importantly, blogging taught me to live every day, ready to be inspired.
Are you ready to see the world a little bit differently every day?
Still have questions? Email me via tungnq.mospace@gmail.com and I’ll see how I can help!