I’ve heard many people saying that there should be fewer creators on the Internet, that they only want “quality content”, that only “qualified” people should be creating publicly. This is the “gatekeeper’s mindset” that I hate so much.
A gatekeeper is a person who controls access to something (usually exclusive).
These people fail to understand that quality content can only be created from an abundance of quantity. From constant experimentation and exploration.
If the Vietnam Creator Economy needs anything, it’s more people creating things they ACTUALLY love and care about.
Long gone are the days when everyone read the same book, watched the same show, and visited the same website. It’s time to find and create our own niches.
The beauty of the Internet is that it allows everyone to find something they deeply love, and a community to share that love with.
So the key to more “quality content” is not to “gatekeep” the Internet by limiting the “right” to create to a chosen few. The key is to open the gate and invite everyone. Increase quantity, and encourage individuality.
Being a Hollywood filmmaker, a published author, or a record label artist is an exclusive club. You need to know someone, have the right education, have money.
Being a YouTuber, a Blogger, or a SoundCloud singer is an inclusive club. Everyone is invited. You just need a laptop, internet connection, and an idea you desperately want to share with the world.
Join the club for bloggers here: https://lu.ma/WOTN3-sign-up
Learn more about the club here: https://www.movahoi.com/khoa-hoc/writing-on-the-net
This post is so interesting. Thank you for sharing